date - 3. November to 30. November

vernissage - 3. November 15:00 to 17:00

Piet Lincken is a Belgian visual artist, poet, author, composer and pianist / organist. He has visited Scandinavia several times in relation to his artistic projects. The selected works at the exhibition in Kunsthal vARTe all has the same theme, they interact with tracks, pictures and visions...

The photo works, digital prints and works on paper by Piet Lincken, goes in dialogue with words (in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, German, Dutch ...) but also with poems or texts of 'classical' texts from Scandinavia, which the artist translates to French, including texts by Sophus Claussen, Bjarni Thorarensen, Selma Lagerlöf, Edith Södergran. Furthermore there will be French poems by Piet Lincken himself.

Influenced by the CoBrA movement (an art-movement that occurred in Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam in the late 1940s) and the Nordic art, Piet Lincken likes to link the signs - letters, drawings, paintings and music notes. For example, he collects his poetry, notes and handwriting in his book Présent gnomique. In another book of him, Å, itinéraire suédois, the subjects are tracks, lines in the language and the geographical spaces.

At the exhibition in Kunsthal vARTe, however, visual works of Piet Lincken find a poetic route, where scenery, animals, faces and bodies tell a story, as a voice tells a ”saga”.

During his stay, one poetry reading and/or a musical moment will be arranged based on the artist's photographs, digital prints and drawings.


Piet Lincken is born in Normandy and today he lives in Belgium. He has frequently lived in Scandinavia, especially in Sweden. He moves in different art directions as a visual artist, composer, pianist / organist and author. He took his artistic education at the Nouvelle-Sorbonne University in Paris, and in Paris, Dublin and Hamburgfor the music. His drawings, photos, digital prints are often displayed around the world. His works on paper were displayed at the prestigious La Hune-Brenner Gallery in Paris.
The art of Piet Lincken is represented in several literary contexts, and his texts, pictures, drawings and digital prints are in dialogue with works by other artists and writers, such as Gao Xingjian (painter and Nobel Prize in Literature 2000) or artists from Galerie Pi in Copenhagen, etc.
He regularly offers literary and artistic workshops, and collaborates with artists and musicians from all over the world. Whether it concerns visual art, literature or music, Piet Lincken has been invited to many events around the world because of his talent and skills. For his various projects, he has received funding from foundations and scholarships.